Yeeehaaa, today I finished the tatting for my second "Quilt'n Tat" project. I called it "Cheeri-auto-loc-avore" as a tribute to my little cheerful helper tomcat Cheerio and because this quilt has been inspired by Emily Cier's book "Colour, Block & Quilt".
I am very content with the results of my piecing and quilting. This quilt has been the first quilt I ever quilted completely in free hand motion quilting and many things are quite wonky and wobbly if you take a close look, but who cares. Actually I am really happy about what it looks like.
Stupid! I took the picture with my Android pad. It doesn't turn the pictures as they should be. You should turn it 90° clockwise or do some gymnastics with your neck and head.
I have to confess that I am a very big fan of Emily Cier's ideas and especially this book. The quilts look just stunning and the possibilities for the eternal child inside me playing around are infinite.
I am very content with the results of my piecing and quilting. This quilt has been the first quilt I ever quilted completely in free hand motion quilting and many things are quite wonky and wobbly if you take a close look, but who cares. Actually I am really happy about what it looks like.
Stupid! I took the picture with my Android pad. It doesn't turn the pictures as they should be. You should turn it 90° clockwise or do some gymnastics with your neck and head.
I have to confess that I am a very big fan of Emily Cier's ideas and especially this book. The quilts look just stunning and the possibilities for the eternal child inside me playing around are infinite.
Toller quilt, ist das andere gestickt auf dem Dunkelblau?
AntwortenLöschenHallo Nilya, zuerst hat das mit der Antwort nicht geklappt und dann kam eine Putzaktion in meinem Arbeits"saustall" dazwischen.
AntwortenLöschenDas Weiße ist nicht gestickt, es ist Occhispitze oder auch Schiffchenspitze genannt. Das ist mein zweites Handarbeitshobby, meine sogenannte "Hosentaschenhandarbeit", weil man alles, was man braucht, in einer kleinen Schachtel unterbringen kann, die in eine Hosentasche passt. Ich habe noch drei andere Quilts mit Occhi gemacht; die dürfen nächstes Wochenende nach Achern zur Occhi-Ausstellung. Ich muss mal was Neues zeigen ;-).
Was machst du so?