Yeeehaaaa ... Birmingham, I'm coming!

Yess! All important things in the household are done (unconceivable, how time consuming this duties are) and after running in circles for about an hour on the search for the holy grail, aka tickets and papers for Birmingham, I managed to gather all important things: the tickets, papers and stash for the workshops I am going to attend from Thursday til Sunday.
Tomorrow I'll pack the suitcase and then the plane will take Julia and me to London, where we'll rent a car and drive to Birmingham.
And after Birmingham there will be four days in Wales for EPPing and relaxing. 
Wooosh, I'm soooo excited!

My stash for the "Curvaceous Windows" workshop with Karin Hellaby

My stash for the "Building Blocck Quilt Design" workshop with Lisa Walton
